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Podcast: Taking Aim at Electronics Supply Chain Challenges and Solutions at SEMICON West 2023

In the latest episode of the SEMICON West 2023 podcast series, Francoise von Trapp of 3D InCites spoke with Weiss and Bindiya Vikal, CEO and Founder of Resilinc and one of the panelists, about how to navigate the complexities of the semiconductor supply chain.

SEMICON West 2023 Podcast: Workforce Development Keynote Preview With SkyWater CEO Tom Sonderman

With technological advancements driving our digital era, the demand for semiconductors is skyrocketing. The chip industry is projected to reach unprecedented heights of around $1 trillion in annual revenue by 2030. However, amid this remarkable growth, a daunting challenge looms: the shortage of...

SEMI Works With Taiwan Semiconductor Ecosystem to Address 4 Key Industry Growth Challenges

SEMI continues to establish new programs to address these four critical industry issues in Taiwan and support worldwide semiconductor industry growth and innovation.

Podcast: SEMICON West 2023 Reimagined for a New Age of Chip Industry Opportunities

This year’s SEMICON West features a slew of new features that span keynote and conference programming, networking opportunities and even dining options.

Boosting Electronics Supply Chain Agility With Digital Twins

Digital twin technology enables supply chain managers to create a virtual model of their operations, allowing them to simulate various scenarios and optimize their processes, leading to improved efficiency, resilience, and cost savings.

Podcast: Corporate VCs Share Outlook for SEMI Startups for Semiconductor Sustainability Program

The startups program is part of the SEMI Sustainability Initiative, which brings together members from across the semiconductor value chain to find solutions to common sustainability issues and share best practices.

Celebrating Companies Observing SEMI Membership Milestones in Q1 2023

Each quarter SEMI recognizes the longstanding commitment and support of member companies as they reach a new membership milestone.

SEMI Southeast Asia Helps Region’s Chip Industry Grow Global Footprint

SEMI Southeast Asia continues to implement workforce development initiatives to strengthen the region's position as a global manufacturing hub. SEMI launched the global SEMI University online learning management system in February.

Faces of the Future: Documentary on Microelectronics Careers Debuts on Public Television

The journey of the three twentysomethings was chronicled in Chip In, a new documentary from Roadtrip Nation, a nonprofit that supports road trips to capture empowering stories that help students find careers. Chip In was made possible by the SEMI Foundation.

CHIPS Program Office Releases Additional Funding Application Guidance

The CHIPS Program Office (CPO) yesterday released materials to provide additional guidance for CHIPS funding applicants.